homemade Playdough

I typically just go to target and buy the premade playdough and call it a day. They’re pretty inexpensive for the most part, but in recent weeks I’ve noticed we’ve been going through play dough fast. I figured why not make our own. It sounds pretty easy, and I do love a diy and or making homemade things, but the reality of my current life is that my time is pretty occupied. To be honest I don’t want to spend more time in the kitchen cleaning pots and more dishes, but it sounded fun, so we gave it a try. For years I’ve had many recipes I have wanted to try and for years I have never made time for it. Even in my less busy seasons store bought playdough was still my go to. A couple weeks  ago I tried a recipe that caught my attention because it only contained 3 ingredients. It sounded great but the outcome wasn’t my most favorite. It dried up super fast and even adding more flour to it didn’t help. I tossed it and tried the second recipe I had. If you’ve been making play dough for years you know how easy it can be, and you probably have your recipe down. This post isn’t for you, Ha! But if you want to give this a try, and can spare a few minutes in the kitchen, keep scrolling. Below are the ingredients you’ll need. I had all of them in my pantry except for the cream of tartar.


in a pot(see below) combine all of the ingredients and mix them well.


Once all ingredients are mixed put the pot over the stove on low-medium heat and start stirring again. Slowly you’ll see the playdough will start to form. Keep stirring until it’s ready.

Cool off and then it’s ready to play with.


Once the playdough was coo(it only takes a few minutes to cool) l I added a few drops of food coloring and mixed it while wearing gloves.

NOTE: In order to get the amount of playdough shown in the picture above I made the recipe twice.

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I am storing the playdough in these clear containers that I bought at Michael’s. I’ve linked some similar ones from amazon down below.


I hope you mommas enjoyed this blog post.

Follow me on IG for more everyday mom-ments and more.


Con amor,

Martha Castro

& remember one day at time.

Instant Family & L.A Mamacitas

My little Castro’s, the husband, and I had a lot of fun making ornaments and wrapping gifts for foster children this past Sunday with the L.A Mamacitas promoting the upcoming release of the movie Instant Family.

“ When Pete and Ellie decide to start a family, they stumble into the world of foster care adoption. They hope to take in one small child, but when they meet three siblings, including a rebellious 15-year-old girl, they find themselves speeding from zero to three kids overnight. Now, Pete and Ellie must try to learn the ropes of instant parenthood in the hope of becoming a family.”

Instant Family comes out in theaters November 16th. If you haven’t had the chance to watch the trailer, you can watch it here.


With the upcoming release of this movie it was a great opportunity to teach our children about giving back. As parents, we all want our children to grow up healthy and successful. We also want our children to be grateful for what they have been given and have compassion for those who are in need. This Sunday was the perfect day to introduce those intentions. Although my children are still very young (1, 2, 5) it is never too early to start teaching them about giving back, specially my oldest who will be 6 in a couple months and comprehends so much more.

The L.A Mamacitas (Janet and Ruby) had a table to decorate ornaments and a table to wrap gifts that will be given to foster children in our communities


My children enjoyed the crafting, but boy were they all over the wrapping. They were aware that the gits were for children who didn’t have families, and my heart broke as they quickly asked and worried as to why they didn’t have families and why did they didn’t have homes. In that moment I knew this would make a great teaching moment for us. Teaching my children the spirit of giving, showing them the importance of thinking of others, and modeling kindness has always been our priority over any other achievement.


My family and I had a great time and we can not wait to watch Instant Family in theaters November 16th.


Thank you Janet and Ruby for the opportunity to give a little back and for the memories I created with my little family.


If you’re a blogger/influencer and would like to be invited to events such as this one, follow L.A Mamacitas on Instagram at @la_mamacitas and sign up to join their blogger network here.

NOTE: This blog post is sponsored by the L.A Mamaciatas but all content is my own.

con amor,

Martha Castro

National Daughter Day

This was one of my sling diary entries for Sakurabloom and today is the perfect day to re-share it.

“A little too big to be a baby, but still very young. With her  chestnut hair coming down her face she lays her head on my chest, close to my heart. I realize that I am in that moment. That moment where I am loving her with the exact  love I once craved. That same love I hoped for and imagined feeling. It’s painful to continue writing this and not mention the letters of her name, but love heals. My love for my daughter healed me. It made me whole again. This mother-daughter relationship is what I had been waiting for my entire life. You see, this bond I have with Mila is powerful, and our connection will be one of her most imprinting childhood experiences. I want her to know that I will be patient with her. I will be kind. I will never grow angry with her. I will always listen and understand her. I will protect her and be there for her, but most importantly, I will love her hard! Unconditionally and no matter what. She will feel and know my love because my affection will be lavish, from the moment she wakes up until she goes to bed at night. Even through disciplinary actions I will reaffirm my love for her. I won’t make the mistake of leaving her with a moment of doubt about my love. The years will pass, and our bond will continue to bloom. I will be the first person she cries to and the first person that hears her great news. These will  be new experiences for me, and I can not tell you how I long for this. Our relationship will also come with challenges, but I am certain we will overcome them. After all, she was handcrafted for me. But don’t worry my Mila Rose, I will say “I am sorry” when I need to. I’ve had a lot of healing over things that could’ve been easily smoothed with these simple swords, so I won’t take any chances with you. I know in the depths of my soul that I will raise you into a woman with encouragement and optimism. I will tailor to your needs and not try to mold you to fit in mine because you will never be my mini me. You will be your own. You will find your own interest and pursue your own dreams that have nothing to do with me, but I will be there to light up your path. I will do that and more, because I love you. There is nothing more important in life than love. Give your daughter(s) your love, show them, but most important tell them.”



Yesterday we sprinkled "magic glitter" underneath Liam's pillow to help with the jitters and nervousness that sometimes we feel before starting something new.  This morning an eager, ready for school boy woke up. It all happened so fast, but my first born was ready to continue spreading his wings into Kindergarten. I wanted to keep today all to myself, and although I’m keeping a lot, I still wanted to share a bit. After 5 years of sharing all about Liam, I felt this post was a must. In the past, I wouldn’t have noticed another school year upon us. I would have just imagined that parents were probably celebrating the end of summer fun and the return of normalcy and routine. However, this year was different. This year we(Eddie and I) were part of that group sending their child to their very first day of kindergarten. Eddie took the day off (yesterday and today) to be part of Liam's special day. I love that my husband enjoys being part of all of this. Doing this together makes it so much sweeter, after all, he is part of this transition too. Let me tell you guys, the transition to Kindergarten is a big one for every child, and for us parents too. I expected us to be a little nervous, after all, it’s the start of something new for everyone in this family. I want Liam to know that even tough it’s going to be tough adjusting to a new routine, soon it will be something that we are all going to enjoy for a long time. As his parents we are here to reassure him and be patient with him.


Liam, some days will be full of wonder and excitement, and yes, other days will be hard. I hope the good days continue to fuel your passion for learning, but don’t let the tough ones take the fun out of it.  Even hard things can be fun if you accept the challenge with a good attitude. Momma & Daddy are here to help you face each one with joy. & don’t forget our three rules: Be Kind, Be YOU, & have fun! Kindergarten is going to be so much fun! Now, just because you started school doesn't mean summer is over. Lets continue to have fun baby boy!


Notes: here are some answers to your recent questions.

1. Where is Liam going to school? 

For the safety of my child I will not share what school he attends and I hope you understand and respect my choice to not disclose that.

2. Did Liam attend preschool?

Liam attended a 2Xs a week preschool program that didn't last longer than 8 weeks. He did attend a fun Friday class for about 4 weeks. I did my best to teach him to write his name(which he can write), learn the upper and lower case alphabet, learn to cut, colors, shapes and numbers(only 1-30) and other fun learning activities we did.

3. Did you do a lot of back to school shopping? What did you buy?

We did not do much back to school shopping since it is still very hot and we currently have summer clothes. We did buy a backpack, and the button down he is wearing in the picture above. We made a deal if he wore a button down on his first day the second day he could wear a Mario Brothers tee of his choice. We also didn't get to buy his red shoes he has been wanting nor did he get a new hair cut.

 Don't be stressed for their first day, I know it came fast, but I want you to remember that none of those things matter. What matters is that you are there. Take the day off if you can. Ask your partner to do the same (if possible). They will remember that forever. Hold their hand as you walk them to their class. Kiss them goodbye and tell them you love them. Be there to pick them up and be ready to hear all about it. Their first day is going to be a magical one!

The little boy who didn't want to attend school had the best first day, and I have a feeling your child will too.

Mommy tip-Jitter Glitter: If your little one is starting Kindergartner and is still unsure about it or is a little nervous here's a little tip. Sprinkle "magic" glitter beneath his pillow and tell them this glitter is going to allow them to sleep through the night and wake up feeling fresh and bright and no longer nervous. It worked for us and it can work for you too. 

con amor, 

Martha Castro


Happy Baby

This post is sponsored by Happy Family Brands but the content and opinions expressed here are my own.

It is no secret that I like buying store bought baby food. If I am being transparent as these Clearly Crafted™ Jars  I have to say that I love that I can supplement with products that are high quality and made with organic ingredients like Happy Family Brands when I don’t have finger foods available.


As many of you know we have done a little of BLW(baby led weaning) and purees. We love both combinations and have always felt they’ve worked great for us. In the past we have used baby food pouches by different brands, including Happy Family Brands. We have loved Happy Family Brands from the beginning, and recently we picked up a few of their Clearly Crafted™ Jars  with clear labels to have handy when we need some extra food.


My baby has recently started eating eggs, but he is still not sure if he loves them, so sometimes the eggs ends up all over his chair. This is when I like to give him his favorite self feeding spoon to feed himself some yummy wholesome fruit. It does get messy, but the sooner they can master this the easier it will be for us in the future. Plus, self-feed is an important part of their development. It can give them independence at an early age, help with fine motor skills, and even sometimes it can help them monitor their own needs and this prevents them from over eating.

 Luke typically will eat a jar for breakfast and or for lunch. These Clearly Crafted™ Jars  are a great addition to your child’s meals and the best part is you know exactly what’s in these crafted recipes.  


From firsthand experience I know how challenging feeding your babies can be. We all know motherhood doesn’t come with a set of instructions and our journeys look so different. Feeding our babies also looks very different because they aren't always ready at the same time. Luke didn’t really enjoy solids until about 8 months or so. I am happy we got to introduce him and continues to enjoy Happy Family Brands foods.

To learn more about these Clearly Crafted™ Jars  click here and if you’re interested in trying Happy Family Brands Clearly Crafted™ Jarsuse this coupon to get $1 off three jars of baby food. Happy Family Brands food is a company that you’re going to love!


My popular answer has been YES, it is worth it, and YES, it works! If you have been following me for a while you know my baby must have list is pretty small and basic. You also know that I’m the first one to say when something is not necessary.  Although my list remains very small still(I’ll share it soon) a new item has been added:The DOCK A TOT. The DOCK A TOT is one of my current MUST HAVES for any mommy to be and for sleep deprived mothers out there. I recommend this product, and believe it can make a difference as you adjust to your new baby in your bed and or to a sleeping routine with a struggling sleepy baby.

I first used a DOCK A TOT almost 8 months ago. I actually was on the fence about buying one because of the hefty price, but one my Instagram friends decided to hand me down her Deluxe-DOCK A TOT. Now, yes it was a hand me down, but I was so excited because I really wanted to see what the hype was about. Let me tell you, it was an instant hit. I exclusively breastfeed and cosleep, and having the DOCK A TOT in my bed was so convenient. I would nurse him and he would stay there sleeping so cozy and comfy. I couldn't believe it. 

Lets face it, we all want our babies to sleep well, so that we can sleep too. I don't believe in sleep training and I nurse on demand, and that can be exhausting, but knowing that a DOCK A TOT can help give that warm and cozy comfort for a few hours a night made me love this product so much!


One day my youngest outgrew it, and I was so sad, but quickly learned that the DOCK A TOT came in two sizes: Deluxe and Grand. DOCK A TOT was so nice to upgrade us to a GRAND, and help us continue to provide a safe sleeping nest for our growing baby. I also have my fingers crossed that they are working on a DOCK A MOM, lol. Not kidding.  

Since our upgrade, my youngest continues to enjoy his sleep in the DOCK A TOT. I also enjoy my sleep a bit more as each day passes. Some of you have asked if the purchase is really necessary, and here are my reasons why you should invest.....because after all, this is an investment.


 If you cosleeep and nurse you know how hard it is to get away from the baby because the moment they stop nursing and you move they wake up. The DOCK A TOT keeps them feeling cozy and comfy. 

The DOCK A TOT is portable and lightweight it can go with you anywhere. Your bedroom, living room, park, and even grandmas house for when you and your hubby want to getaway.

You can easily wash it! My two year old was lounging on it when she spilled some of her juice and I immediately threw in the washer machine. Yes, it is machine washable. A couple hours later my youngest was taking  nap in it. That fast!

 It is a beautifully and well made baby item. There are different cover options, you can take a look at them here

The DOCK A TOT can be used in various ways. As a lounger, baby sleeping dock, around the house, for tummy time, and to play. I only like to use it a sleeping dock, so that he knows this is his safe space to sleep. 

I know the price tag might be holding you back, but if this is the only sleeping item you purchase then it's totally worth it. 

I am extremely grateful for this product as it has helped my baby sleep a little longer. It has giving me peace that he is sleeping in a safe little dock in the middle of my husband and I. This is not only an investment for your baby, but for your sleep. Thank you all for reading and if you have any questions before purchasing, please free to ask. You can also take a look at these F.A.Qs on here


*This post was sponsored by DOCK A TOT, but all opinions are my own. 

Sakura Bloom 1st Sling Diary

Today Sakura Bloom published my first Sling Diary entry and to be completely honest I was so nervous. Mainly because I have never done anything like this, my grammar isn't always on point, and well, being in front of the camera doesn't always come easy. Nevertheless, I managed. My first sling diary honors my beloved abuelita who recently traveled into paradise. Although I am heartbroken, I am very happy to have completed  my first entry. I have 5 more, and I can't wait to share more. Thank you to every single one of you is supporting me in this journey, but a BIG special thank you my sister in law for taking the pictures below and to my friend Mary for editing them. I couldn't have done this without them.

1st Sling Diary-on Kinship

I always felt a strong connection with her, she taught me the value of it.


From the beginning she established our family ties. My earliest memories with her are sitting around the table in her small house drinking café con leche (coffee with milk) and sweet bread while she stood with her back to me. Neatly tied around her waist she wore an embroidered apron. We lived two hours away, but always visited. Countless summers that I spent in her tiny home, holidays shared, mother’s days spent with her, birthday parties and so much more. Then I got older, I had my own plans, and visits were semi-forced by my father. When I became an adult, the visits were less frequent. Later in the years I became a mother, and understood our connection in a different level. I started visiting again, as often as I could tag along with my parents(I didn’t dare to drive in that town, it was an unfamiliar town with roads I did not know). Every time I visited, I sensed the happiness in them, in my father and my abuelita(grandma). Their corners of their lips jumped upward and their eyes sparkled. If we were there on Sundays, it was even sweeter. Everyone visited on Sundays and we were the only ones that usually weren’t there since we lived two hours away. I was trying to rebuild that bond/tie we once had shared and slowly was doing it. Those were happy times, we are all happy, and those are the memories I will hold on to.


I know great joy awaits her, but the selfish part of me wishes for more. In the past few weeks, our time together has mostly been spent sitting next to her, trying to hold on to those weathered hands I had been enamored with. I had been enamored with her hands since I was a little girl. I studied those hands with blue/green veins that ran like splintering map lines. She used to sew and knit the most beautiful pieces. While I was with her, and in moments of lucidity she told me why I hadn’t used my phone navigation to get around town since it was my first time driving into town by myself, I giggled because she is up to date with technology despite being 85 years old. I told her I loved her. That evening my cousins and I reminisced about the time she had punished us and left us outside without supper. She laughed and replied that we were being disruptive and deserved the punishment. We laughed again.  Her voice was weak and fragile. That night before leaving I lingered at her bedside. Scared to say goodbye, I left feeling heavy.


Today I sit here completely hopelessness converted into tears running down my cheeks as my abuelita (grandma) Maria slowly travels into her next life. I think of the beautiful roses she loved and how my daughter’s middle name is Rose. I think of her sparkling green eyes, and how my only daughter also has those sparkling green eyes. I think of the times I didn’t want to visit and the heartbreak my father must have felt. Now I feel that heartbreak. My abuelita (grandma) is the queen of the family, we gathered, we connected, we united because of her. 

Hours away from her now, and with the peace that I have already said my goodbyes I ache for more chances, more time, one more picture. I continue to hold on to our tie, until she is ready to let go. But even when she does let go, our connection will remain here forever. Her apron and her cafe con leche(coffee with milk) will forever remind me of her. I will keep her beautiful porcelain face, with gunmetal grey hair, and those sparkling green eyes in my presence. She will live on each of us-in her children, her grandchildren, her great-grandchildren and those to come. She is leaving a mark on us to carry on this long-standing legacy of connection, family ties, and love that she built.


My abuelita (grandma) traveled into paradise on November 10, 2017 and I can’t wait to see her again.


The Sling Diaries, Volume VII. A photo-documentary chronicling the art of baby wearing in the lives of families around the world. Over the course of six months, Sling Diarists will create their own Sling Diary though a series of diary entries interpreting a unique theme given to them each month.

Picasso Tiles

These past couple weeks we have been playing with our Picasso Tiles . Picasso Tiles are shape building magnet tiles that are fun for gaining hands on experience with creativity. These tiles have been a great addition to our collection of educational toys. I personally love anything that is fun, educational, budget friendly, and can be used by any age and through out the years. Not only are they super fun to use, but they also provide learning through play, and as you know we LOVE to learn to through play.  

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Mila is 21 months and Liam is almost 5.

Mila is 21 months and Liam is almost 5.

Liam and Mila play with them for hours and on their own, and sometimes they integrate other toys. For the younger children like Mila, Picasso Tiles help work on developing fine-motor skills, learning about shapes, colors, patterns & more. Mila is enjoying playing with big brother, and I am enjoying watching them. I love when they can share an interest in the same thing. 

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Picasso Tiles are our newest favorite toy! I had no idea how much creativity, problem solving(yes, problem solving), and engineering they would inspire until we got our very own set. I will say that the more tiles you have, the more creativity you can produce. We have a set of 26 pieces, and we will be ordering an additional set.  

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Something else I wanted to mention is that you can also use them in multiple surfaces, but one place that I was surpise to see them float in was in the water. Although they only float when they're spread accross the surface of water, it is still very neat to know you can use them in the water.

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I hope you guys enjoyed this review, and I hope to be able to do this more often. Also, please know that anything that I do share I have to love and truly believe in. Thank you for reading and don't forget to leave a comment.

Con amor, 

Martha Castro

Product Details:The two sets of Picasso Tiles used in the pictures above are: Picasso Tiles® 26 Piece Inspirational Set Magnet Building Tiles 9 Different Shape and Picasso Tiles® 2 Piece Car Truck Set

Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Picasso Tiles. We received the Picasso Tiles for the purpose of the review. I'd actually had my eyes out for a set of Tiles for the kids for a  while now, so when I received the opportunity I was thrilled. All opinions are my own and my children's. This product needs to be in every home!


Vampirina & L.A Mamacitas

Last week Liam and I snuck away for a mommy and me camping night with L.A Mamacitas. The L.A Mamacitas hosted a camping and movie night inspired by Disney Junior's new girl in town: Vampirina.  Vampirina "Vee" Hauntley and her family, which includes a friendly ghost and transforming pet werewolf, just moved from Transylvania to Pennsylvania. This Disney Juniors latest show is quickly becoming a favorite in our householf and with Halloween around the corner this is the perfect show to introduce your toddlers/preschoolers to. 


Our night consisted of popcorn, hot dogs, smores and a specialing screening of Vampirina.


Liam was amazed by his first "camping" trip. He really enjoyed roasting his marshmallows by the fire and making s'mores. He was thrilled to find out he would be taking Vampirina's plush. I on the other hand enjoyed meeting and conversing with other mommies. 


 L.A Mamacitas had different coloring sheets for the children to color. We took ours home and Liam enjoyed some quiet time coloring. If you would like to download and print one, you can find some here. 

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Thank you L.A Mamacitas  Ruby and Janet for a wonderful evening. If you're in the LA area and would to connect with them visit them here.

Vampirina will be out on DVD on October 17th


Fun Colors with Goldfish crackers

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Goldfish wants you to plant your vote for the next Goldfish cracker color! We just planted our vote, and you can too (plant your vote here). Our family loves Goldfish crackers for many reasons, but one of the most important one is that they are made with 100% real cheese. In addition, I have learned that Goldfish Colors are sourced from plants, yes, plants!

  1. Red: The red Goldfish crackers are colored using a mix of red beet juice concentrate and paprika extracted from sweet red peppers.
  2. Green: The green Goldfish crackers color comes from watermelon & Huito juice concentrates mixed with extracted Turmeric. That’s Huito. Pronounced wee-toe. 
  3. Yellow: The yellow Goldfish crackers color comes from extracted Turmeric. 
  4. Blue: Our subtle blue crackers come from Huito (derived from South American fruit) and Watermelon juice concentrates. 
  5. Orange: annatto extracted from the seed of the achiote tree.
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These limited-edition crackers have no artificial flavors or preservatives in these colors. Our colorful snacks made us realize that they also make a great educational tool. Not only did we discuss where the Goldfish Colors come from, but we also got to participate in a super easy and fun activity: color sorting using our Goldfish crakers and different items we found around the house.

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Sorting is a beginning math skill, and it is never too early to start. You may think that early math is about learning numbers and quantity, but there's so much more to it. By sorting, children understand that things are alike and different as well as that they can belong and be organized into certain groups. Getting practice with sorting at an early age is important for numerical concepts and grouping numbers. Today we combined our favorite colorful snacks with an educational activity. Can you think of an activity you can do with your children using Goldfish Colors crackers? If so, I would love to hear about it in the comment section. 

Don't forget to plant your vote here for the next Goldfish Color

Mothering with an open heart

Mothering with an open heart and a love that is more than love is what I embody. It is what I was born to do. Today with my high expectations, I went down hard, and it hurt. These past (almost) four months I have been trying to live up to the "you make it look easy" expectation, and today I failed. I failed because mothering three little ones is everything, but easy, and I should know better. The simple reality is that mothering is hard, period. Today I am admitting that having three little ones is hard. It's been really hard. I am working harder than I have ever worked in my life. I have given up conveniences, to create experiences, and in the midst of tears, diapers, and difficult moments, I am trying to make it look easy. Today was extremely hard to feel thankful and grateful ( and I was feeling so guilty because my feelings picked a wrong day to feel everything I was feeling specially because a lot of people lost their loved ones in the Las Vegas mass shooting) because when you're physically and mentally exhausted you can't think clear. I did what I felt I needed to do. I told my husband I couldn't do it, took off my " I can do it all" hat, and slept for 6 hours straight! Lack of sleep and trying to live up to a certain expectation did this to me. These feelings didn't just show up today, they've been an accumulation of different things that lead up to this. Maybe had I paid attention to them earlier on I could have prevented today's breakdown, maybe I needed this break down? What I know for sure is that there will be more moments like these because I am only human. But I have learned to give myself the support I need, to admit when it is hard and not try to cover it up. I want to continue to have more good parenting moments, work at it, day after day. Today I wasn't the mother my children needed, but tomorrow is a new start. "I am an amazing mother, and I don't have to do it all to be amazing"m.l .....

Ps. All of our lives are different, and it is important to remember that. The number of children you have does not determine if you are allowed to break down or not. 1, 2, 3 or 4, YOU are allowed. This little message is for my mommas who have one child, and or are new mothers. I want you to know that YOU are inspiring, you have started a beautiful journey that is your very own, and you are allowed to "complain"/have difficult moments. With every one of those moments you will learn something and will come out stronger. 

"One day at a time, & enjoy the journey"

Mucho amor, 

Martha Castro

Box Tops for Education

Sponsored post: this blog post was sponsored by Reynolds Consumer Products but the content is 100% my own.

Schools are starting soon, and although my oldest son Liam is not in Kindergarten yet we want to start supporting our local elementary school by collecting Box Tops for Education. Recently, Liam's cousin asked him to help him collect Box Tops for Education. He showed him what they were and explained to him that his school would earn money for every single Box Top for Education that was collected. Liam was thrilled to start collecting and cutting. I helped him identify some of the products we had at home like Reynolds Kitchen and Hefty products that supported the Box Tops for Education program. 

                                             Liam enjoys cutting, so this activity was extra fun. 

                                             Liam enjoys cutting, so this activity was extra fun. 

Purchasing Reynolds Kitchens and Hefty products has been a double win for us. We get great quality products and Liam helps his cousin earn money for his school. Liam's cousin is going to be so excited when he sees all the Box Tops we have collected. In addition, right now through August 29th you can enter here to be one of 50 daily instant winners of the Reynolds Kitchens + Hefty Box Tops for Education sweepstakes . You will be also entered to win the grand prize of $1,000 worth of Box Tops for your school! A total of 5 schools will be chosen for the grand prize and you can enter once a day until August 29th. Good luck, mommas. 

You can find Box Tops on most Reynolds Kitchens™ products like Parchment Paper, Oven Bags, Slow Cooker Liners and Bakeware Pans. You can also find Box Tops on Hefty Trash Bags, Hefty Foam Plates and Hefty Cups.

Our Sweet Surprise: Luke Emiliano

Our sweet Luke Emiliano has been here for almost two months, and he is just the most perfect addition to our family. We are still getting adjusted, but things are going rather smoothly. I wished I could have shared this sooner, but as you can imagine it's been busy. As many of you know Luke was born by cesarean. The day before my scheduled csection everything went wrong. To start, Liam had randomly developed a fever of 102, and had to be taken to urgent care. He also had a contagious rash. That same morning I had my last doctors appointment at 9am, and because my husband needed to take Liam to urgent care, I had to drive myself to my last appointment. I was 39 weeks, and super uncomfortable. I felt overwhelmed because things weren't going how I had planned them. My husband had to borrow a car to take Liam to urgent care since we only had one car to transport the kids(this is not an issue anymore since we got our mini van). I had no choice but to drive myself to my last appointment. I also had received the news that if my platelet count was still low I would have to be put under general anesthesia, something that wasn't part of my "birth plan". I was mentally exhausted by the time I left the doctors office. I wanted to just sit in the car and cry because crying feels good. The day before my cesection I was suppose to be relaxed. I was suppose to get a mani and pedi,  and enjoy some quality time with my party of 4, but instead we were separated, overwhelmed, and anxious. On my way home my friend Liz had done the sweetest gesture. She offered to treat me to a mani and pedi, and I couldn't have been more grateful for sweet friends like her. The day slowly started getting better, and the feeling of being overwhelmed started fading away. Eddie got home with Liam from urgent care and they had ruled out any kind of infection, and the doctor didn't think the rash was related to the fever. We were relieved to say the least.  That June 8th we ended our day with thankful and grateful hearts. 

June 9th:

My csection was sceduled for 2pm, but my doctor wanted me to be there at 11:00 am. he was hoping the operating room was running on time and hopefully get me in there earlier, and he did.


Our sweet surprise Luke Emiliano was born by csection on Friday, June 9, 2017 at 2:34pm. He weighted 8 lbs 4oz. 


Eddie was able to accompany me in the operating room, and has actually been by my side with all three csections. It's truly been a blessing to have had him in there to support me, and snap these pictures. 

During the surgery I was wide awake and everything went smooth. If you've had a csection before you know that the best moment is when you hear that little cherub cry. I can recall every single detail from the surgery. The staff made me feel so comfortable during the operation and for some miraculous reason my platelets had gone up. I was meant to be awake again for the third time. Yes, this was my third csection and could have been my last. All  3 of my csection experiences have been beautiful and painful, but this one made me realize that perhaps I can't do it again. 

The recovery during my stay at the hospital was the hardest and most painful. We spent 3 nights at the hospital and almost 4 days. Staying there those 3 nights was the best decision I could have made. I needed the attentive care.  I experienced the most pain on day 2, and I cried like a baby.

Day 2-June 10th

The first half of June 10th was a day to remember. Liam and Mila both arrived to meet their baby brother along with my family.

Liam and Mila were to excited to meet baby Luke. Liam right away wanted to carry him in his arms. He is such an amazing big brother, and we couldn't be more proud of him. Mila surprisingly was ecstatic as well. When I saw the three of them together for the first time I felt an overwhelmig feeling of excitement and magic all at the same time.  Giving birth to these three little miracles is truly magic. The pain on the other hand not so much.

By the evening 24 hours had passed, the visitors were gone, and they had removed the catheter, so that meant I was going to start walking and using the restroom. That's when things got complicated. The walking part was not hard but trying to get out of that bed almost felt impossible. The pain was real, and nothing I had felt before. I'm naturally tough, and have a high pain tolerance, but this pain was excruciating. Not only did my incision hurt, but I was also suffering from gas pain and it was the most painful pain ever. You feel it on your side of your abdomen, and all the way up to your shoulder. I couldn't breathe or move. Luckily, with a lot of walking and some chamomile tea I started passing gas and soon was relieved from that pain. That night was rough, but luckily Luke was adjusting to the real world just fine.

He was eating, pooping and peeing often, and by day 3 I was ready to go home. I was really missing Liam and Mila. 

Day 3

I woke feeling a little better because that morning I pooped!! Tmi, but this is real stuff!! I was still struggling getting out of the bed. I also don't remember my other incisions hurting this much. That day my cousin and friends visited. They brought us some yummy donuts and snacks,  and they got to meet Luke. It also gave Eddie an opportunity go home to get the carseat and shower. I was so ready to go home too. As you can imagine I was missing my babies like crazy, and they were missing me.  Specially my sweet little Mila. Although she was in great hands(with my sil) she still needed momma. I am so thankful and grateful for the care and love she received during my absence. She couldn't have been in better hands. As for Liam, he stayed with my parents and sisters, and of course they showered him with lots of love and toys. I was so anxious leaving him because he had a fever of 102 and a rash, and I have never not been there when my children are sick. I had nothing to worry about because they did an excellent job. By the time he was picked up he no longer had a fever and his rash was almost gone. Overall, Liam and Mila were well taken cared of and they couldn't have been in better hands. 

Day 4 came and we were was ready to go. Still in pain and continuing to take those strong narcotics. They really helped ease the pain, and I am so glad I said yes. I was very proud that I did not take any meds after my last two csections, but I am also very proud that this time around I did what I had to do to function and feel better. We were discharged by that afternoon and we were ready to go. We were beyond excited to be a party of 5, The Castro's Party of 5!

NOTE:Like I mentioned earlier, this is in fact my third csection and the only way I have experience bringing life into this world. To me, this is magical, this is birth. I know there is a lot of stigma attached to csections, and a lot women feel disappointment for having one, but we can not forget that this IS BIRTH. The moment your baby is born is the most breathtakingly, magical moment you will ever experience, and it absolutely does not matter how they get here. Csections can still be a joyful and empowering birth experience, don't you ever forget that!

TODAY: I am 6 weeks postpartum and I am feeling great. My body is healing and I am in no rush to lose the baby weight. I am eating well, and exclusively breastfeeding Luke. I am giving myself the time I need. It takes 10 months for your body to grow your baby and they say to allow your body a good 10 months to get back to normal. Be kind to yourself and know that a lot of these changes are temporary. Love your new body. It just did something really amazing.


Martha Castro


Supermamás Social'17

What a gorgeous day it was for the second annual Supermamás Social'17 held at La Plaza de Cultura y Artes in Los Angeles, CA. This family event was brought to you by our favorite store, yes Target.

For those that are not familiar with who the Supermamás are, here's a quick little info about them:

Who are the Supermamás and what do they do?


The Supermamás are two sisters who are mothers, girl bosses, wives, & BIG dreamers: Bricia (left) and Paulina Lopez(right). These women are behind the successful Latino podcast: Supermamás.  They started the podcast back in July of 2015, and recently reached their 100th episode. Paulina and Bricia are doing big things in the community, and I have enjoyed watching all of their success. Two humbled, Latina mothers who had a vision, and decided to go for it. That is who the Supermamás are. In addition to their weekly podcast they put together this yearly event(Supermamás Social) that celebrates motherhood and brings women together for a fun,relaxing judgement free day.  They are also restaurant owners and public figures in the Los Angeles area. To learn more about the Supermamás please visit their website and don’t forget to listen to their podcast. Supermamás Podcast

My family and I arrived a shortly after they opened the gates, and luckily parking was not an issue, and in my opinion worth the $15 we paid. Upon arriving we were greeted by the Supermamás ambassadors who I am assuming were volunteers. They checked you in, and handed you a goodie bag. These girls were the sweetest!

The social had so many fun stations for the entire family. From nursing cabanas (sponsored by Ergo) to a self care beauty concierge(brought to you by target) and a Mama cabana brought to you by Northgate Market

A bubble village for the little ones.

A soccer clinic & reading corner that I didn't get to photograph.

A card making station presented by Target

Multiple photo booths that I totally took advantage of. Liam and Mila enjoyed being in the spotlight. 

Vendors such as Munchkin who were there introducing their new grass fed formula. We took a mini survey and were able to get a sample.  Lollaland who makes the most modern and fun baby/toddler goods. We've been a fan since Liam was a little boy, and now Mila got her own cup. Hanna owner of Lollaland was also part of the panel. RaggedyTiff who sells the most creative, folk-cultural inspired pieces. If you're looking for one of a kind, handmade items she is your girl, and the guest panelist Jacqui Saldana, Melissa Fumero, Natalie Alcala, and Hanna Lim who were there to speak and provide some insight on self care and being a mom boss. 

We were surprised with Mariachi (Mariachi Divas)!

Special appearances by Rosalyn Sanchez and Eric Winter who did a special reading of their new book, and sadly I didn't get any pictures.

 Food, treats and drinks, lots of drinks.

Below you can see Liam enjoying a cotton candy from LoveSwirls and those TODOVERDE drinks are amazing!

The Supermamás social was the perfect day to celebrate motherhood, to make new friends, and truly be proud of the mother you are. The Supermamás sisterhood Paulina and Bricia have created is here to stay, and I am filled with so much joy because I am part of this sisterhood. This event was beautiful and exceeded my expectations. The Supermamás have an amazing team that helped them make this possible. Thank you to everyone that was part of this team and created magic for all of us to enjoy!


my mama tribe<3

I was lucky to have found my tribe when my first born was just a few months old, and I love them dearly! This event is extra special because we get to experience it together: Susie, myself, Liz, Cindy & Mary.

& I continue meeting new mommas who are giving it their all in this beautiful journey. It was an honor meeting you all!

Veronica Popovic @veronapop99, Liz @rosie1966olph, Alexandria, always so nice to see you! Vanessa Torres @lifeoftorres, Christina @oc_mommyof2, Diane Castaneda @dianecastaneda, I know we've been following each other for quite sometime, so I feel like I know you already, but it was a pleasure meeting you in person, Brenda Campos @_brendah21_, Nadia Mendez, so happy you decided to join us, and our SuperPapasitos: Eduardo, Bobby, Danny, & Fernie, we wouldn't be theSupermamás that we are without you guys!

*Not in the pictures but thank you for taking your time to say hi: Blanca Kane: @blanca.kane, @mommy2_sj_sam, Evelyn Gomes @evygomez, Daniela Gomez @danielagomez23, @mamamia

To end the beautiful day Paulina and her family revealed the gender of their baby.

It’a a girl!

Thank you Paulina for sharing this special moment with us!

If you are interested in attending next year's social, stay tuned because the Supermamás Social’18 is already in the works!

Also, thank you for taking your time to read this. This is my first post event blog post, and I know I'm forgetting to mention a few details. I also didn't photograph all the vendors and few of the stations. ALL pictures were taken with my iphone 6plus, and hopefully that can change soon. Please feel free to comment and or like. I would be more than happy to answer any further questions. 

Note: This was not a sponsored post. Opinions in this post are Martha’s alone.

See you soon Supermamás, xoxo Martha Castro

Outfit Details:

My dress is from Boohoo, no longer available

Mila's dress and hat from Zara

Liam's short sleeve button down and rustic bermuda shorts from Zara

Happy Mother's Day

We all know there is no way to be a perfect mother, and that your children were given to YOU.  They are YOUR babies, YOUR miracles. God gave them to YOU! Motherhood is not a competition, I think we can all agree with that, and we are definitely not winging it. We are actually trying very hard to do our best because they deserve the best, and what I mean by best is not material things but moments, memories, & love. One of my goals is for my children is to know that I love them dearly. My feelings will always be clear to them. We will practice connection, always!  Sometimes parents don’t make their feelings clear, they assume that their children know the love they have for them, but that will not be our story. I don’t ever want my children to assume they are loved,  my children will know they are loved. They will know that they are the greatest thing that ever happened to me and that this journey continuous to be the most powerful growth experience.

Happy Mother’s Day to every single one of you that has taken on this journey, and is embracing all the rawness motherhood has to offer. I had no idea it would be this much. I had no idea I could handle it. I had no idea how beautiful it would actually be. Motherhood completed me, and gave me what I had been missing. I am because they are, & this is MY motherhood!



To all the women who are hurting today, I know it hurts. Eveything hurts, your mind, your heart, your body. Although you might feel alone, and forgotten, you are not! I see you and I honor you!

Third time's a charm, so they say...

Here I am again trying to make this thing called blogging work, 3 years later, almost 3 kids later, and with a new perspective. They say third time's a charm, and I am a firm believer of that, so count this as my first blog post because there will be more, I promise! Many things have changed since I last attempted to blog. If you've been keeping up with me on IG you've stayed informed. I am currently pregnant with my third (our sweet surprise). I am due June 16, and we are overly nervous, worried & excited. We recently got some uncertain news that left us a bit worried. I promise to share more in different post once I have more information. I know, I am not a fan of vague posts either, but truthfully I don't have more information to share. We are currently dealing with the uncertainty of that, and its been quite overwhelming. In addition, we are trying to schedule Mila's test that her neurologist recommended. As for Liam, he remains a happy little soul, with a little attitude, but still very loving and kind. Oh, and yes!!! still on the hunt for cute, fashionable or in Liam's words "cool" and comfy clothes for the kiddos, but with a smaller budget. A way smaller budget, but we make it work. Well, I promise to share a little bit of EVERYTHING on here, and I mean EVERYTHING. This year I have connected with so many different moms who have inspired me in so many ways, and I don't want that to go unnoticed. I also created a fun page @thecastrosdayout where I'll share fun outings to explore with your kiddos. If there is anything you would like to see more of, just let me know! Thank you for reading, and I hope you follow along. 

Love, Martha


Currently living by this quote!